The Solution Revolution Begins Now

Join the movement.
Be a Solver. 

Starts With Us is equipping millions of Americans to overcome toxic polarization and effectively solve our toughest problems. Sign up to join the movement and receive inspiring stories, practical tips, and ways you can take action. 

Be a Solver
Be a Solver
Be a Solver
Be a Solver
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Connect With Us at Tribfest!

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Starts With Us Meet & Greet
Omni Hotel Lounge (immediately off the main lobby) Thursday and Friday, September 21 & 22; 8 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Are you a Solver yet? Starts With Us invites you to stop by our table in the Tribfest Hub to learn more about joining our movement of more than 1.8 million people ready to overcome toxic polarization. Together we’ll work across divides to solve our toughest problems.

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Beer and Badge Grab Happy Hour
Thursday, September 21; 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Omni Hotel Lobby; Grab a SWU koozie to keep your beer cold while you wait in line for your festival pass.

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Live Mural Painting
Saturday, September 23; 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. 8th Street & Congress Avenue (across from Texas Monthly tent); Check out local artist Sean Aye Creative as he paints a mural live and take your festival picture with the Capitol backdrop. Meet the Starts With Us team and learn about joining the movement!

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Starts With Us Solver’s Lounge
On Open Congress Saturday, September 23; 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. 10th Street & Congress Avenue (across from Lone Star tent); Take a break between sessions, dive deeper into a conversation with a new connection, and learn more about overcoming our divides to solve problems at the Starts With Us Solver’s Lounge.

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