Solutions are Possible

Citizen Solutions is a civic experiment created by Starts With Us that gives Americans across the ideological spectrum the power to co-create solutions to divisive issues. 


Click a state below to see proposals created by and for citizens

We piloted Citizen Solutions in Tennessee and Wisconsin. More states coming soon.


Want to get involved?

We want to hear your ideas on where to host solution sessions and what issues to tackle.

The Citizen Solutions process reveals what’s possible when we prioritize problem solving over partisanship and solutions over stalemates.



For three days we dived past stereotypes and political catchphrases and talked about real people in real life. We talked about solutions. I'd be lying if I said we agreed on everything. I'd also be lying if I said we walked away unchanged.”

Arriell Gipson Martin

Tennessee solution session participant


“I deal with my problems in the mountains and others deal with theirs in the city, and they look awfully familiar. This process has broadened my perspective. We've got to find a way to solve problems together.”

Jay Zimmerman

Tennessee solution session participant


"This process reminded me how important it is to be in community with people who think differently."

Ali Muldrow

Wisconsin solution session participant


“If you put diverse people in a room, they can come up with common sense solutions. The experimental structure of this process is what’s most interesting. I look forward to seeing what it looks like on a national scale.”

Dan Semenza

Director at New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center at Rutgers


Poll: Common Ground Revealed

Starts With Us and NORC partnered to answer an important question: do Americans across the political spectrum share values? The results are clear - about 9 in 10 Republicans and Democrats strongly agree on the importance of six fundamental values. While there is consensus on values, we are skeptical the “other side” shares them. 

The poll also found that 8 in 10 people across partisan lines believe it is very or extremely important for citizens to be involved in finding solutions to problems facing our country. This presents an opportunity, and Starts With Us is taking action. We launched Citizen Solutions with Convergence Center for Policy Resolution, and now we need your help. Read our press release with the poll results


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