Week 4 Cooperative Change
Day 5

Adapt to Setbacks

The key here is to learn how intractability happens and how to navigate these conflicts by taking a long view of these challenges according to the best research on effective decision-making in complex, unpredictable environments.

Today's Inspiring Playlist Listen On Spotify


Choose Your Lift Level

What do you have capacity for today? Whether it's a light lift, or something a little heavier, taking a step is what counts.

5 minutes

Get Attracted

Check out this 5-minute interactive game on attractor landscapes.

Play The Game

The Science Behind It

Attractors are the primary concept from physics and complexity science that my colleagues and I have employed to understand how some complex social conflicts get stuck in long-term patterns that become highly resistant to change. They help us understand how many different aspects of conflicts can combine and align in ways that work together to keep us attracted and trapped in their lure.

This game, developed by the artist and computer scientist Nicky Case, is a fun way to become more familiar with the strange, unpredictable dynamics associated with attractors. So, keep the political issue you chose for this week in mind, play the game, and imagine that your attempts to move the needle on the issue are responding like an attractor would. What insights arise from this?

20 minutes