Week 3 Cross The Divide
Day 3

Complicate to Simplify

Intentionally complicate your oppositional relationship to the "other group" - challenge the assumption of opposition and learn to recognize complexity in both positions - before you zero in on actionable decisions.

Today's Inspiring Playlist Listen On Spotify


Choose Your Lift Level

What do you have capacity for today? Whether it's a light lift, or something a little heavier, taking a step is what counts.

5 minutes

Open Your Mind Before Making Decisions

Watch the beginning of this brief video (ideally with your partner) on integrative thinking. The video is a little slow, so feel free to watch it sped up!

Watch The Video

The Science Behind It

"Integrative thinking" is the capacity to unpack complex problems and examine different aspects of them - and approaches to them - from other points of view before zeroing in on what to change and how to go about it. It often involves synthesizing what appear to be opposing views or remedies. This manner of thinking is not often taught in schools, but we can learn to do it, and it is essential to constructive conflict management around more thorny issues.

Give it a try!

30 minutes
Icon: A thinking cloud.

Daily Reflection

End the day by making a few notes on how to practice and build on these processes.